Flame Mantras
Let there be light!
And let that light be the
violet light O God!

I AM a being of violet fire
I AM the purity God desires.
Earth is a planet of violet fire
Earth is the purity God desires.

In the name Saint
Blaze and expand
now the violet flame!

With the knowledge and blessings of God
that I AM
invoke cosmic energy for the freedom of man.
calling for an ocean of violet flame
To transmute fear and error, and all sense of shame.

With Saint Germain I transmute
Human drudgery and dross
By the miraculous blessings of his maltese cross.

Charge! Charge! Charge!
And let victory be proclaimed!
As we fight the fight for freedom
In the name of Saint Germain.

O world awake!
dusty selves now shake!
Purify and rectify
New ways of thought to make.
the book, Ashram
Notes by Mark
I stand for love, I stand for life,
With violet flame to end all strife.

Save the world with violet flame
By the power of the three times three.
waltzing, spinning energy
set all life now free.

of God inside each cell, I AM the violet flame.
Searching out all hidden pain I AM the violet flame."
Each time I give this mantra, I know I’m blessing
The souls in South America,
Whose hearts beat love so true.
Dissolve those bombs, their cause and core,
Let them now be no more.
With violet flame all war can cease,
From age-old hatreds bring surcease.

violet flame of freedom,
Thou radiant fountain of youth,
Charge now my four lower bodies
With the beauty of spiritual truth.

O atoms, cells, electrons,
Within this form of mine,
Let violet flame pass through me,
Its essence most sublime.

I AM the violet flame, blazing like a sun
I AM God’s sacred power freeing everyone.
(from the decree I
AM the Violet Flame published by The Summit Lighthouse)

I AM the mighty electronic energy
Flowing through, filling and renewing
Every cell
of my mind andbody, right now.
I AM the cleansing process
Always active in my heart and mind and body,
Consuming all imperfection and revealing the purity I AM.
My breath
is the great love breath
From out the Great Central Sun.
My heart is God's heart, the very center of divine love,
And its light fills me now!
the book, I AM Adorations and Affirmations Part 1, I
AM Decrees Part 2)
God’s freedom in my heart today
me love and forgive on my I AM way.
Light Set me free! Light set me free! Light set me free!
And charge
my aura now with violet, purple, pink!
I AM Presence bright
Round me seal your tube of light.
Keep me faithful, true each day
As I step forth with violet ray.
is the age of the violet flame
That we invoke in God’s own name.
Aquarius is the age of the violet flame
That we sustain in God’s own name.
Aquarius is the age of the violet flame
that we expand in God’s own name.

dismiss discord
To the wave
on the ocean of human emotion
It's nothing, it's nothing at all;
It comes like a flicker
And goes away quicker
When I on my God-self do call.
It is only a cloud
But I say out loud
I AM the sun! Don't you see?
When I blaze the light!
You fade from sight!
The light yields all things to me.
the book, I AM Adorations and Affirmations Part 1, I
AM Decrees Part 2)

all nations in the cause of peace,
In liberty’s name give full release!
Ascended masters now walk with men!
Let elementals, angels serve with them.
forgive all life and all life forgives me,
violet flame power of the three times three!
Germain, hurl your miracle pouch into the earth!
Saint Germain, hurl your miracle pouch into my life!
Saint Germain, hurl your miracle pouch to end all strife!
the violet flame now arise and sing,
In my heart of hearts, its gifts to bring.

Make my aura bright with violet light
And my soul rejoice in perfection.
forgiveness, freedom and grace
my life is God’s lovely intention.
of violet rain I invoke
Seven oceans of violet waves,
When I visualize the earth in this miracle light
Dark impurities will vanish away.

Freedom, Freedom, Freedom!
Expand, expand,
Forevermore I AM Freedom!
(from the decree Mighty
Cosmic Light published by The Summit Lighthouse)

Let Violet Fire of
Freedom roll
Round the world to make all whole;
Saturate the earth and its people, too,
With increasing Christ-radiance shining through.
I AM this action from God above,
Sustained by the hand of heaven’s Love,
Transmuting the causes of discord here,
Removing the cores so that none do fear.
(from the decree More
Violet Fire published by The Summit Lighthouse)