site is dedicated to all of the miracles that have come about through
the application of the violet flame. It is also dedicated to all of
the spiritual masters, angels, elementals, invisible helpers who work
with mankind to bring about personal and planetary healing for the
Age of Aquarius. And first and foremost, it is dedicated to the ascended
master Saint Germain, who released the knowledge of the violet flame
through the I AM Movement in the 1930s.

time comes when each individual departs from the body for the last
time. Even though most don't remember, we actually leave our body
at night while we sleep. On this final soul flight, all earthly
accoutrements fall behind, our moorings in time and space, and all
that has tethered us to the physical plane of existence and consciousness.
We rise into the light and are greeted by loved ones, masters and
angels. We move from sphere to sphere in higher consciousness, as
veil upon veil of mayic density is drawn behind us. We reach the
etheric temples where heavenly masters train souls in the art of
becoming the fullness of their God potential. There, we are shown
the violet flame.
“The violet flame is the most
helpful tool,” the master tells us. “When you call forth
God's violet flame, the holy spirit descends upon you, to cleanse
you until you are made whole again, faithful to the divine image
and pattern in which you were created.
“By free will you descended
into lower planes of consciousness. Alas, you forgot your divine
birthright. And though you received the mandate to be fruitful,
to multiply and rule the earth, your fruits are not meet for repentance.
Your creations deviate from the image and likeness of God, which
is, first and foremost—love.
“You mistakenly used the divine
energy animating your life to create imperfect forms, spun of selfish
thoughts, feelings and actions. These negative choices must now
be forsaken and transmuted by you, so you can be free. The divine
energy, trapped in lesser matrices, must be purified and released
into pristine patterns once again, so your soul can be redeemed.
“The violet flame is God's precious
gift of mercy and forgiveness unto you. Do not neglect it, for it
comes to consume negative patterns, to free you from binding karmic
entanglements, and to perform the most sacred work of tikkun.”
We watch closely as priests and priestesses
of the Order of Melchizedek, in solemn joy, invoke the healing action
of the violet ray and amplify its action through a magnificent altar
of amethyst crystal, that reverberates the light and sound.
Now the divine Word rings forth, penetrating
spirit and matter: “He is like a refiner's fire and He
shall purify.”
The violet flame intensifies as it descends from
higher planes of consciousness in a mighty tangible shaft of billowing,
comforting, scintillating light. As the beauty of the light increases,
the voice of God echoes: “Comfort ye my people. Your iniquity
is pardoned. The crooked shall be made straight, and the rough places
Row upon row, souls gather in earnest, to
repeat the divine invocation. These are the humble ones, the hopeful
ones, the repenting ones who, though out of embodiment, have retained
full individuality and consciousness, and awakened to their spiritual
Together, we watch as the seventh
ray action of the Holy Spirit intensifies in the center of the circle
and descends into the physical plane, boring a hole into the mayic
density of time and space, Kal-Desh. The violet flame, we are told,
is the divine light closest to the physical plane, and we watch
as it penetrates veil upon veil, majestically descends from heaven's
highest heights to sublimate the grossest levels of the earth. The
divine intent rings clear. “Every valley shall be exalted,
and every mountain and hill made low, and the glory of the Lord
shall be revealed, and all flesh shall see it together. For the
mouth of the Lord hath spoken it.”
“Why is that?” we ask with inquisitive
“God has decided to save the
earth, and the answer is the violet flame. When people in physical
embodiment call forth the violet flame, a tremendous spiritual acceleration
takes place. Impeding karma is balanced much more quickly, ushering
souls unto their ascension in the light.
“These blessed ones have heard
the word of our beloved Saint Germain. They have taken his message
to heart. They are pioneers of the Aquarian Age, and forerunners
of a golden age to come. They carry the torch of freedom, the lamp
of Mother Liberty, truly a violet light that sets all captives free.”
“Send us back,” we answer
with steadfast determination. “Send us back that we too might
invoke the violet light, making all things right. Give us a new
body we pray, so we can witness unto Saint Germain. Help us take
our place on Earth's stage, so we too might be wayshowers of the
Aquarian Age.
The master smiles. A flash of violet flame
floods his auric field, reveling the fresh and delicate scent of
violets in spring. His eyes gently twinkle.
“This you shall,” he replies,
and his voice thunders with divine authority. “Unlike these
souls, who are your brethren, you are the more fortunate ones. You
still have a physical body, beloved Sons and Daughters of God, and
a new day of opportunity awaits your overcoming.
“On the morrow, as you awaken
refreshed from this retreat experience, you will stretch your body
and ponder our encounter as an ineffable soul memory.
“Go find me then, and
the violet flame. Won't you, for heaven's sake, make the most of
your opportunity, that you might—and all earth—soon
For more information about the violet
flame and the Teachings of the Ascended Masters,
please visit the Summit Lighthouse